Taxi Featured In Newsweek Magazine January 1997
- Jon Barnes thinks he drives the only wired taxi on the planet. He's probably right. For $95 per half hour, Barnes will chauffeur you and your friends through the shimmering streets of Aspen, Colo., and upload digital photographs of your group to his Web site ( while you're still in the car. He uses a Nokia analog cell phone and Toshiba laptop to do the job. Barnes has equipped his 1978 Checker cab with enough sheer wattage to brown out a small village in order to create the "high-tech legal hallucination" that has wowed celebs like Clint Eastwood and Lee Iacocca. Barnes sings along to classic rock while a laser light show, enhanced by diffraction glasses and fog, takes you on a "journey of the senses." Says Barnes: "lee loved the sound system." Hey man, watch the road."
About The Car Jon Barnes
The Pictures 3D Fun
Message Board
Jon's Photos Of Aspen Colorado
Passengers Pictures From 2003
Taxi Video Clips